Finding and Defining

New year, new you…  : )  It’s nice how that lined up but really this has been in the works for almost a year now.  TayloredArt is now Taylor Gallegos Fine Art.  I’ve redone the business, the website, the social media and my own focus with my fine art.  Really though, it all stems from a deepening on my commitment to my life path as an artist.  Thanks for staying with me and following along with my journey.  : )

So here’s what happened.  I’ve been pursuing my career as an artist for years (as you know) and I’ve been seeking ways to make a living at art.  I created the business TayloredArts years ago.  It covered the span of murals, custom art, digital art and design, studio art, and live art.  Then I picked up a manager, the talented and intelligent Mr. Tony Watters, TayloredArts became TayloredArt (same focuses, with an updated look), and also Live Wedding Art came to be.  We’ve developed that into the up and coming live wedding painting business that you can see Here.   TayloredArt took a back seat but was still covering mostly custom art, studio art, and live art.

Meanwhile I’ve been doing a ton of market research, keeping my eyes open to how the professional world of art works.  I’ve been reading up on the business of art, talking to artists, listening to entrepreneur podcasts, checking out art specific website companies, basically learning as much as possible.  There are a few main themes that I’ve been seeing (and I feel like these are transferable to tons of small businesses and life paths)…

  1. Be yourself. 

One advantage that we have as small businesses or entrepreneurs is that we are a person with a face and a personality. Big companies are always trying to connect to the individual consumer by personalizing their brand – getting some celebrity to represent them and whatnot. They want what you already have.  So be you.  Now what you see for me is Taylor Gallegos Fine Art (@tgfineart on all social media platforms).  It’s my studio art.  It’s me as an artist.  It’s me.

2. Set your intention. 

Figure out where you want to go, and map out the route.  For me, my goal is to be a professional studio artist showing in galleries, selling originals and prints online, showing in juried shows all over the place.  To summit that mountain it’s going to take a lot of little steps.  Breaking this down has been great because it simplified my day to day experience.  Instead of looking at the top and then feeling overwhelmed at the enormity of it all, I can do things daily, hourly or even by the minute that help in the overall push.  With the long-term goal defined, the path can be mapped out, tasks can be broken down, goals can be identified and then the journey can begin.  Small steps turn into small achievements that start to stack up and become big achievements.  Before too long the whole picture looks different.  Where there’s a will there’s a way.  In Spanish it’s “Si quieres, si puedes,” or if you want, you can.  With your overall intention set, you can find solutions to any problem big or small that gets in your way.

3. Commit.

Go all in.  Become your goal.  Do what you do and do a lot of it.  It’s way better to focus your energy on what you do well and go big with it than to diversify yourself to the point of being less impactful all around.  Make your thing your thing.  For me, I’ve dropped the focus on murals/digital art/custom art/live art from my branding.  Sure, I’ll still do those things if they come find me and pay me, but they aren’t my focus.  My goal is to get my work in galleries around the country and it’s only going to happen slower if I’m too spread out.  So my studio art is my focus.  I’m creating paintings.  Simple, straightforward…

So that’s where things are currently.  I’d love to hear what you have going in your world, what you’re pursuing in your life.  Comment with what you’re doing, what your goals are, what intentions you have for your life, and what you’re doing to go after them.  Thanks for sharing and that’s for reading!  Cheers!

Check out my website  Check out the gallery where I’m selling prints and originals.  Follow and Like @taylorgallegosart on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. 


Learning to Photograph Art

