Sports Murals

Recently I was commissioned to do a Sports Mural for a client for the den of their lake house at Lake Arrowhead, California. I was thrilled by the project because it took me back to the roots of my artistic career. This specific project was for a couple from Los Angeles who attended the University of Southern California so it featured their favorite teams and players from the Lakers, to the Dodgers to the USC Football Team. Sports murals are so cool in general because they tend to be really dynamic. Let me tell you all about it.

In terms of my artistic progression, it went like this. I started drawing plants, animals and dinosaurs when I was really young, this started at 3 or 4 years old. As I got into 5th grade and 6th grade I turned my focus to superheroes like Spiderman, Batman and Wolverine. Then as I got a little older and got into playing sports my self I started drawing pro athletes. Some of my favorites were John Elway, Reggie Miller and Deon Sanders. The interesting thing about these subject matter was that they fed perfectly into my formalized figure drawing and painting classes I would eventually take in college.

This specific project was all about Los Angeles. Like I mentioned, my clients are from L.A. and went to USC so they wanted everything focused in those directions. We included a logo from each team, a standout player, an image of the stadium, and a little nod to something intimate from each program. From left to right we had Kobe Bryant just after winning a championship, Kirk Gibson rounding the bases after hitting a World Series winning home run, and Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush. The intimate elements were little logos representing famous announcers, and a fan favorite logo from USC.

As you can see, so much can be added into a sports mural to customize the project. Wall murals are such a great way to make an impact on a space and there’s no better way to represent a home team than a large scale piece of artwork. Sports themed artwork has been done in so many ways before, but with all the different variables, teams, players, jerseys, and specific details that a person can connect with, the sky’s the limit.

Sports murals are some of my favorites to do because they bring so many parts of my artistic past and current progression together. I love the challenge of making the absolute best sports painting possible, showing respect to the legends of the game. Sports art by nature is big, bold and powerful, which is just my kind of artwork to make.

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Why Murals?