A Strange New World

Hello World. What a strange time to be starting a blog…

My intention with this blog is to talk murals with the public at large. I’m in the world of art and murals and I often get a lot of similar questions thrown at me. I thought that this would be a great way to help clear things up ahead of time and make the process smoother for everyone.

My business Taylor G Murals is based in Southern California and we create custom murals for business and residential. These pieces are custom according to whatever the client dreams up. Some involve text, some involve portraits and figures, some are abstract. It’s whatever the client wants.

I’ve recently levelled up and gotten my CA Contractors license. I’m now bonded and insured. Business was building over the last 6 months and things were looking up. I recently incorporated and started to build a team of artists. My current project that I’m still in the midst of is the largest scale project to date.

Then Covid 19 hit. I’d heard about it first through a friend who was at the time living in China. He and his wife got out as things began to ramp up. I was still in the beginning stages of this mural project and had questioning thoughts wondering if it was going to come here and hit the way it did there. I had about 3 weeks left to go on the project when the CoronaVirus forced the United States to stay home.

Now that things have shut down, it’s hard for me not to wonder if this will shut down the ability for people and businesses to buy art in the relatively near future. I’m sure most small businesses are feeling the same as I am and asking the question, “will I be able to survive this?” I feel for all the independent artists, small businesses, and larger businesses for that matter. We’re all so dependent on the connection between each other for our daily, monthly and weekly success. With every business’ individual overhead, it’s hard not to imagine a company that can shut down for a few months and survive.

It’s such a strange and unprecedented time in all our lives. The thought of things going back to “Normal” might just be a hopeful wish at this point. The landscape of lives, families, businesses, cities and countries might look very different when everything calms down. All I can say is that I’m wishing for the best for everyone out there, and everyone’s livelihood as well. I hope that more good than bad comes of it all. Hopefully we can evolve into being a civilization that works better for everyone involved. Hopefully this break we’re taking shows the need to take care of the environment in which we all live. Hopefully the art and beauty of the world doesn’t get replaced with fear and increased separation among different people, communities, cultures, and countries.

One main purpose of art is to bring humans together and share in their commonalities. Maybe art is needed now more than ever.


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