Paintings on Canvas

It doesn’t always begin with an idea.

Recent Work

These pieces are a collection of paintings I’ve done in the past year while working in the studio. I’ve been developing my process through my work with large-scale murals, while doing in-person paintings for Live Wedding Art, and also in developing my digital artwork. Even though all the painting practices create very different results, I’m seeing these through lines in the process and approach that cross all genres. Another commonality across my different painting approaches is my use of color and composition. While the imagery is very different, similar principles apply.

These paintings you see below are my creative outlet where I get to apply these lessons in a fun and free flow way. These same approaches are being worked on in large-scale works as well that I haven’t yet released, but am building a body of work that is bringing it all together. Stay tuned…


Meditations is a series inspired by my experiences I go through living my life. These are paintings based in creativity, explorations and philosophy. They are all unique dives into a concept, following the path wherever it may lead. images and concepts come to light and show themselves to me. The storyline and narrative almost build themselves.

I start these works with no destination in mind, only a feeling that I need step out on a journey. During the painting process, I won’t know where the art is going or even what I’m doing. I turn the need to know and to control off, and free-fall through the open spaces of presence and in-the-moment decision making. The beautiful thing is while I don’t have a plan, I feel as though every little step is exactly as it should be. I feel sharp, in the zone and alive. These paintings are an act of freedom and adventure.


This is a series of abstract artwork. Each painting is done with a clear mind and full creativity. When I start, I have no plan or model for what I'll be painting or what it will look like. These are color abstractions led by my soul and my decision-making in the moment. The art comes together in whatever way that comes through. These are about the journey and the destination is the by-product.

I've been inspired to paint these works out of a desire to quiet the mind and find the space in between thoughts. In life, planning and the mapping of routes is all well and good, but at times I find myself being overwhelmed with the plan of it all. These pieces are a rejection of that process and a stepping out into a space of the uncharted and unknown.

Life Series

The Life series is inspired by life on this planet and my increased awareness of it in recent years. The series began with an almost daily (at times) pilgrimage to the sea by way of surfing I began to really connect deeply with the ocean and her living inhabitants. I began thinking in terms of the natural world with swells, tides and winds and had close encounters with dolphins and all kinds of sea birds. I was thinking, dreaming and reading about the ocean. That is how I became aware of the state of the ocean, its life, and the effect that humanity is having upon it. I learned that our oceans and their flora and fauna are facing hard times. Sealife cannot defend itself against commercial fishing, increases in global ocean temperatures, multitudes of plastics and rising toxicity levels.

From there it has expanded to include all life on this planet. We're all connected. We will all share the same fate in terms of how our mother earth fares. These paintings are a statement of awareness, respect, love, sadness and hope.